the story of one girl living with four boys.

welcome and enjoy.

“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.”
― Joseph Conrad

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
Brigham Young

“Here's all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid.”
― George Carlin

“Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.”
Friedrich Nietzche

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sometimes, you just wanna kill 'em

I am with my housemates an insane amount of time during the day. We wake up at 5:30 together to go to practice on the water together for 3-4 hours. We then all make and eat breakfast together. After our classes we have a second practice on land from 5-6:30ish. After that we go home and usually eat dinner together. From that point on we're together until its time for bed - then we do it all over again. It's no surprise then that sometimes, I want to kill them. I literally want to throw my heaviest books at their face. Or possibly strangle them. Obviously I don't actually want them to die, just suffer for a tiny bit.

The other day this was Spencer. If there were ever any two people who were going to fight in the house, it would be me and him. Part of my job at practice is to correct technique/form and to relay to the guys in the boat what it is exactly our coach expects and is looking for. Now let me preface this story by saying that Spencer is a good rower. He is our stroke seat and is by all means one of the best rowers on our team. It just so happens that this day he was messing up. It was obvious he was "breaking his outside wrist" or "feathering his blade with the outside hand" (I apologize for the rower talk). Our coach noticed it first and told him to correct it. No change. Again he tells him to stop breaking the wrist. No change. Finally he tells me to tell Spencer, to which I get the response "I'M NOT BREAKING MY WRIST." Instantly the next stroke is perfect.

When we get up to the boathouse after practice, Spencer is all grumpy and whatnot because I yelled at him. He then tries to explain to me that he wasn't "feathering with his outside hand" he was just "breaking his outside wrist" - WHICH IS THE SAME THING. I basically ask the question to the entire team whether or not they agree with Spencer or me, and they all agree with me. Spencer doesn't talk to me for the rest of the day. In fact, he doesn't talk to anyone for the rest of the day because he's so freaking stubborn. This eventually resulted in an all out shouting match at the end of the day. Like I said, sometimes, you just wanna kill 'em.

(and perhaps they want to kill me).

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